May You Remember

The Month of May

May is often known as the month of “Mother’s Day” and while this is a day to celebrate, there are also fun facts, days to remember, and acknowledge. In fact, there is practically something to celebrate about each day of the month of May. The month, May, is named after Maia, a fertility goddess. Maia was the daughter of Atlas, a Titan who was responsible for bearing the weight of the heavens on his shoulders, and the mother of Hermes, the messenger of Gods. Maia was considered the goddess of spring and growth – hence her being the fertility goddess (The Greek Mythology, 2000-2017).

The Days of May

May Day celebrations are thrown to honor the spring season in the Northern Hemisphere. Some traditions include showering loved ones with gifts, dancing, indulging in treats, and raising awareness of poor labor conditions. We then have National Truffle Day on May 2nd, (count me in!), World Press Freedom Day on May 3rd that started to raise awareness of the importance of freedom of the press and expression – and regardless of one’s political orientation, what news outlet you ascribe to – this day is vital to all people and their knowledge of world happenings. We can then continue with Bird Day, which is May4th, Cinco de Mayo on May 5th celebrating the Mexican culture, International No Diet Day (or every day!), National Cosmopolitan Day on May 7th, Iris Day on May 8th, and Mother’s Day (the second Sunday of the month).

Mother’s Day Reminder

 Mother’s Day, a day often known for the month of May, reminds us that treating your mother or a maternal figure in your life with respect, love, and honor are important. Of course, mother’s need more than one day for others to remember the support, life skills, teaching, parenting, and countless of other reasons to be celebrated!

Whether it is celebrating Learning about Composting (May29th) or even World Turtle Day (May 23rd), we need to remember that the month of May holds one special day in mind – you! May you remember that you are doing your best, mama. May you look within and know that by showing up for yourself, you are-be extension; mirroring to your child (children) the importance of caregiving, mothering, and love.

Written by: Lital Diament, LMFT, MT #56973

A mom, therapist, and a May celebrator


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