Mother-Infant Assessments

At MontanaTherapyForMoms, we prioritize the wellbeing of mothers and their infants during the crucial perinatal period. Our Mother-Infant Assessments provide a comprehensive evaluation of the emotional health and bonding dynamics between you and your baby. Conducted by licensed therapists specializing in perinatal mental health, these assessments are designed to support and enhance the mother-infant relationship.

What Does Mother-Infant Assessments Include?

Our assessments encompass a range of evaluations to support both mother and child:

Emotional Well-Being

Assessing the emotional health of both mother and infant to ensure effective bonding and emotional thriving.

Attachment and Bonding

Evaluating the bond between you and your baby, with guidance to strengthen this vital connection.

Parenting Support

Offering insights and tools to assist you in your parenting journey, including guidance on infant care.

Feeding and Sleep Patterns

Addressing concerns related to feeding, sleep, and developing routines for the wellbeing of mother and child.

Partner Assessment

Understanding the role of partners in parenting, ensuring they are emotionally equipped to contribute to the family's well-being.

Referrals and Resources

Connecting you with additional support services as needed, based on the assessment outcomes.

Our assessments are tailored to meet the unique needs of each family, providing valuable insights for both new and experienced parents.

Benefits of Mother-Infant Assessments

Participating in our Mother-Infant Assessments provides several benefits:

  • Fostering a stronger bond between mother and baby.

  • Gaining insights and strategies to support effective parenting.

  • Addressing the overall well-being of the mother-infant duo.

  • Receiving professional advice tailored to your family’s needs.

This Service is For You If:

  •  You wish to strengthen the emotional bond with your baby.

  •  You are looking for professional guidance on parenting strategies.

  •  You have concerns about your or your baby's emotional wellbeing.

  •  You seek a comprehensive understanding of your baby's needs and development.

 Service-Specific FAQs

  • In the first session, you’ll meet with our experienced therapist to discuss your concerns and goals. The therapist will observe and interact with you and your baby to assess various aspects of your relationship and well-being.

  • Not at all. These assessments are beneficial for all mothers, regardless of whether they are facing specific challenges. They're a proactive step in ensuring the well-being of both mother and child.

  • If you have landed on this site, It's advisable to schedule an assessment between 6-8 weeks post birth.

  • Our planning includes strategies for balancing work and motherhood, managing time effectively, and creating a support system to ease the transition back to the workplace.

For more general questions, please visit our main FAQ page.

Ready to Enhance Your Mother-Infant Bond?

Contact us today to schedule a Mother-Infant Assessment. Take a proactive step toward nurturing a strong and loving connection with your baby.